Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Rafter T Bar Ranch ~ Pecos, TX
Well, Travis and Tony and the mustangs have been in Texas for 4 years now! They have been working at the prison and gone through two riots, helped their step dad, Shot Paschal and their mom (me) on the Paschal Ranch, do daywork for some of the local ranchers and have a ranch of their own.
The Rafter T Bar Ranch is what they call home now. The horses are right out the front door and the dogs can roam (when they are not sleeping under the wrap-around porch that is!)
In the pictures above, TnT are roping off of Cahlibur (Bay) and Coal (Black) on our ranch outside of Mentone, TX.
Alot has happened in those 4 years and fortunately I have taken thousands of pictures to document those years. I will be posting more in the future and look forward to perusing all those pictures...LOL!
MnC's Disclaimer: At no time is excessive force, cruelty or brutality used when training the horses pictured in this blog. Reinforcing pats and firm gentleness, along with calmness from the trainers, encourage the horses to do as they are asked.
Posted by
7:18 PM
Labels: Rafter T Bar Ranch, roping, The Gills
Sunday, March 29, 2009
John Horn & Lucky...
![]() |
From Mustang 'n' Cowboys |
John proudly showing off Lucky...
Lucky looking for a cube of sugar...
John's first ride...
John & Lucky
MnC's Disclaimer: At no time is excessive force, cruelty or brutality used when training the horses pictured in this blog. Reinforcing pats and firm gentleness, along with calmness from the trainers, encourage the horses to do as they are asked.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Cahlibur Coming Home...
Cahlibur has been away for a month having a procedure done that will dissolve the calcified bone in his right front ankle (ring bone)! The video above is a conglomerate of photos that I took the day (March 9th) he came home from the vet. As you can see the horses let me know when the guys were pulling down the lane with the horse trailer and even the cows came to welcome Cahlibur...
Posted by
6:21 PM
Labels: Cahlibur, Google Video, Ringbone, veterinarian visit
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Situation in Pecos Returning To Normal...
"Momma, are you there?" I was at work helping a customer pick out some boots, when I heard the sweetest words I had heard in a long time! Immediately, I turned around to see my two sons, in their CERT Team uniforms standing there in the middle of the store!! I hugged both their necks and kissed their cheeks through tears of relief. After dealing with the riot at the prison for 135 hours straight, Travis and Tony looked exhausted, unshaven, dirty and SAFE. Along with the rest of the CERT Team they had been successful in keeping the inmates from escaping and assisted Prison Staff in processing and moving all the inmates to secure quarters. My guys were heading home to clean up.
When it hit me that I had left my customer high and dry, I looked back to see that a co-worker had stepped in and helped the customer. He was explaining to her the reasons for my actions as she nodded her head toward me. She understood.
I showed the guys the local newspaper headlines that pictured an aerial view of the destruction as they asked me if I could get their CERT Team uniforms cleaned so that they could report back to the prison in a couple of hours. They had volunteered to work through the night even though technically they were on their weekend. I found out later, when I took their clean uniforms (from the local cleaners), that they didn't have to report back until 6pm. This gave them time for some well deserved sleep. As can be expected they were now on 12 hour a day, 7 days a week shifts until further notice.
Blogger's Note: It needs to be mentioned that the prisoners at this facility here in Pecos are not citizens of The United States. They are protected by the rules and regulations of the Geneva Convention enforced by the Bureau of Prisons and GEO Group. Also, the CERT Team embodied by the courageous men and women employed at this facility, did an outstanding job of working together to ensure the safety of prison personnel, the public and the prisoners during this riot. I am proud of you all!
MnC's Disclaimer: At no time is excessive force, cruelty or brutality used when training the horses pictured in this blog. Reinforcing pats and firm gentleness, along with calmness from the trainers, encourage the horses to do as they are asked.
Posted by
6:18 PM
Labels: CERT Team, GEO Group, KWES NewsWest 9, Prison Riot
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Working Coal in the Arena...
Working Oakley in the Arena...
Travis has just finished working Oakley in the arena. This arena is owned by my bosses and is located at the head of the lane that goes down to the corrals where we keep the horses. She did quite well despite the fact that is has been several months since Travis has had the time to ride her!
MnC's Disclaimer: At no time is excessive force, cruelty or brutality used when training the horses pictured in this blog. Reinforcing pats and firm gentleness, along with calmness from the trainers, encourage the horses to do as they are asked.
Tempers Still Flaring at the Reeves County Detention Center...
The Pecos Enterprise shot this picture showing flames and smoke coming from the prison. Special thanks to the Pecos Enterprise.
Travis and Tony are still working out at the prison. I have not talked with them since the call on Monday and have been diligently feeding the horses and dogs until I hurt by back Wednesday morning getting ready for work. Our wonderful friends have come to my rescue on feeding the horses, so that I can use all my energy taking care of Katy, Rusty, Jessie & Cody.
I have proof that these dogs are intuitive and know when something is ailing you! They knew that my back was killing me and therefore did not jump up to say "Hi!" Not one of them jumped on me. Rusty kept rubbing up against my legs as if to say "Where are our masters?" I made sure they had plenty of water and food and untangled Rusty's chain. We have to keep him chained up so that he doesn't take the kids out for a stroll in the neighborhood.
Katy has been a little protective of the food lately, so I lovingly stroked her head while I gave a handful to Rusty and Jessie who were hovering near the food bowl, letting them eat out of my hand as I slowing moved it so that they were eating out of the bowl along with Miss Kate. Cody had retreated under the house, probably waiting for his mom to finish so I took a couple of handfuls over to him.
I can tell that they are missing Travis and Tony about as much as I am...
MnC's Disclaimer: At no time is excessive force, cruelty or brutality used when training the horses pictured in this blog. Reinforcing pats and firm gentleness, along with calmness from the trainers, encourage the horses to do as they are asked.
Posted by
5:42 PM
Labels: CERT Team, Prison Lockdown, Prison Riot
Summitt For Circuit City's new "FireDog"!

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