Katy's first litter of seven at 3 days old...Dun is in the very middle.
Katy did not eat breakfast this morning! This is a shock because she has been ravenously hungry and has been eating 3 meals a day. Time for puppies??? I pulled her igloo dog house into the back room off of the garage and made her as comfortable as I could so that she has a private area. Besides it is cold this morning! I don't want her having her babies under the office trailer where we would have to crawl under and retreive them. Dun, Rusty, and Low Rider just won't leave her alone. Dun was raised in the igloo (he is one of Katy's pups) and doesn't understand why he can't sleep in there, too! Diesel Marie knows to respect Katy's space, she wished the boys (Dun, Rusty, & Low Rider) respected her space!
Morning at the ranch. Taken by TnT.

Guess what! When TnT got home, Katy came to the door to meet them and then went over and ate her breakfast. She missed her guys! Every time we go in or out of the house we will be able to check on her...no babies yet...but I felt one move!!!
Seven puppies or more? My Poodle had only three at a time and I couldn't believe how much work there was for me after she got bored at about six weeks with the whole thing.
This is the third time I have tried to answer you in this post! I have to do the word verification two times before my comment will post. I bet your little poodle puppies were adorable!!!
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