TnT found a computer at the Cairns Colonial Club Resort in Cairns, Australia! After I got home from feeding this morning I found an email that said TnT left a comment on "A Call from the Future"!
Then this afternoon they found Becky's comment about their truck. Oops! Becky is keeping TnT's Dodge Dually at her place instead of them having to put it into long term parking. Thanks, Becky! Here is Becky's comment on "TnT's Puppies!!!":
Becky said...
Heya! I enjoyed my visit with the boys yesterday, and I further enjoyed the fact that I have their truck held captive here. I will send photos of how I'm going to make it all feminine while they're gone. Oh, yeah... it's going to be GOOD. (Nothing permanent, of course. I'm not that mean.)
I asked them yesterday why they chose the pups that they did... And I know one thing that helped narrow it down:
They've noticed that Katy sometimes has trouble with the heat, whereas Rusty doesn't seem to struggle as much. Their theory is that the black coat makes it harder on Katy, and since the pups are working dogs, they chose brown. (They did say it was REALLY hard not to go for the black 'n white girl with the perfect Border collie markings.) - I answered her with the following:
Uh-oh!!! If they only knew! Becky thanks for letting them keep their truck at your place. I will post the pictures you send...this is gonna be good!!
Yeah, little Panda, as she is called, is the runt and her markings ARE perfect. It is almost as if she was painted with the same template on both sides!!!- Little did we know that we would get caught!
- TnT said...
Hey Becky, Don't you dare. If our truck has any pink on it you'd better be prepared to run. :) TnT
TnT, your Uncle says that the reason the sharks didn't come after you is because they heard that TEXANS have a wild taste! ;)
The picture was taken in January of this year, thus the jackets!
From left to right: Katy, Diesel Marie, Tony, Dunny, Becky and Travis.
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Trip is going great, got lots of pictures. Survived the dive at the Great Barrier Reef, Moby Dick & Jaws didn't eat us didn't even make a showing guess they heard us TEXANS were comin. Talk to ya later.
No worries Mum
T n T :)