First Photo: A little customer of the feed store and "Tejano"! Tejano's mother is a registered Australian Shepherd named "Tobaccy" and his pop is "Bear" one of Kate 'n' Rusty's pups born in Texas right after the guys moved to Pecos. Estevan, a fellow worker at the feed store, took Bear to live on his ranchero north of Pecos. So, it is only fitting that this little pup be named Tejano. A twin pup to Tejano has found a home with the editor of our local newspaper. I can't wait to get pictures of him and see what they have name him!
I am not sure who got this little guy, I was gone to lunch when his new owner picked him up. If you haven't noticed this litter was brought to the feed store to find homes for these adorable babies. And the guy who remains faceless is Estevan.
Tony getting ready to give Belle her medicine. In this picture you can't see the wound on the other side of her right front leg. You can tell that she is not quite happy with the idea of getting a shot.
Coal's ears have been notorious for "helicoptering" ONLY when I am trying to get a picture of him!
The last photo: The guys have not seen these pictures. Here is Cahlibur and Clancey eating side by side. You can see that Clancey is not going to be a very big horse. He might be as big as Maggie was, I will have to ask Travis about that.
MnC's Disclaimer: At no time is excessive force, cruelty or brutality used when training the horses pictured in this blog. Reinforcing pats and firm gentleness, along with calmness from the trainers, encourage the horses to do as they are asked.
Wow, I can't believe that they rebuild the stuff they destroy.
We are way to soft on prisoners in this country and it is only going to get softer.
If I broke something when I was a kid on purpose that was it. I either worked to get another one or I used it as it was.
How would they like to sit in a pile of ashes and eat their balanced meal we all pay for.
Sorry... but that is how i feel.
horse for sale
Wow. I realize I never saw this post. :/ And here I was, asking you for new photos.... :)
That puppy is UNBELIEVABLY adorable. And Belle sure has gotten white! She's looks really beautiful in that photo.
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