Sunday, March 29, 2009

John Horn & Lucky...

From Mustang 'n' Cowboys
We recently lost a good friend to cancer. John loved going out to the stables just to be around Lucky his paint gelding. John and his wife Sheila bought Lucky as a young colt and enjoyed many hours watching him grow. In the slideshow above, Lucky is in training. The guys really enjoyed working with Lucky. Since moving to Texas we have missed sitting down and talking with John and Lucky. Sheila, our hearts go out to you, the kids and grandkids...

John proudly showing off Lucky...

Lucky looking for a cube of sugar...

John's first ride...

John & Lucky

MnC's Disclaimer: At no time is excessive force, cruelty or brutality used when training the horses pictured in this blog. Reinforcing pats and firm gentleness, along with calmness from the trainers, encourage the horses to do as they are asked.


Lori Schmidt (LoriProPhoto) said...

My condolences to you, his friends and his family. This is always such a sad times, but try not to dwell on his passing but celebrate his life, that is what we did with my Dad who passed away last September.

Unknown said...

Thanks Lori.

Rising Rainbow said...

I am sorry for your loss.

Unknown said...

Thank you Rising Rainbow.

Anonymous said...

prayers and blessings out to you


J and J Paints and Quarter Horses said...

My condolences to his family and friends.

Kelly said...

Lucky looks like such a sugar hound...LOL

Unknown said...

Our thoughts are with you and the family. Looks like he had a great way with horses.

Buy Horses said...

So sad to hear for your loss, you'll be fine. Just stay happy!

Summitt For Circuit City's new "FireDog"!

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