This wonderful oil painting was presented to Travis by Beth and Charlie Goedecke. We met them when we started keeping our mustangs over at Franklin Field Horsemen's Association, and struck up an instant friendship. They share our love of horses and Beth expresses that bond in this picture of Travis imprinting his first mustang colt on the morning of his birth! Travis didn't wait to imprint Clancey and Maggey trusted him with her hours old colt! Maggey was in foal when Travis adopted her from the BLM only 2 months before her first colt was born.
Maggey was what is called "a maiden mare". Travis and Tony were anxious for this little guy to be born and got the surprise of their lives when they went over to feed on the morning "Clancey" was born. He was colored up just like his mother, and had a line down his back! A line backed dun, colt!!! Now at almost 19 months, he has darkened quite a bit and you can still see a line down his back...but you have to look real close!
The original photo for "Cowboy Love" was taken by Jann Hardy. We met Jann and her daughter, Vicki, over at the stables, too. With the loss of Maggey, "Cowboy Love" holds a deeper place in our hearts.

The original photo for "Cowboy Love" was taken by Jann Hardy. We met Jann and her daughter, Vicki, over at the stables, too. With the loss of Maggey, "Cowboy Love" holds a deeper place in our hearts.
Janey, the painting is lovely. I can tell you are really missing Maggey. Hope you get to ride Oakley soon. Your sons sound like wonderful trainers. Is that what they do for a living?
Hi Sheila, TnT are corrections officers at the prison here in Taft. It is their goal to have a ranch where they can train and raise horses and cattle. Ultimately, they want that ranch to be in Texas. In the meantime, they help out when someone has a horse that won't trailer, or needs some ground manners. They are starting to get a name for themselves as being gentle trainers. They just love working with horses!
I receive this email message from my friend Jann: Oh how beautiful! I printed it out in a 10 X 8 and that came out really well. I'm loving the pictures and blog...finished reading it last night. Now it's Vickie's turn.
(Jann is the lady who took the original picture.)
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