Sunday, February 24, 2008

Gettin' Ready for a Ride...

I tried and tried to get Coal with his ears forward, didn't happen though. LOL! Even when he is ground tied, he follows Tony with his ears and just when I thought I caught him...well you know the rest. Oakley's ears are forward however she is behind Trav. There is a possibility that we will be going on a gathering on Tuesday! Would be great to get pictures...

To Be Continued...

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MnC's Disclaimer: At no time is excessive force, cruelty or brutality used when training the horses pictured in this blog. Reinforcing pats and firm gentleness, along with calmness from the trainers, encourage the horses to do as they are asked.


Callie said...

I like his ear expression....LOL...He's hellasish cannon bones...Gosh what solid looking legs!

Sharon Lynne said...

Oh..I went back...and I saw them. (T' n T) Great photos!! How fun!

Anthony Fisher said...

Hi Callie and Cousin CB! The guys have been working 12's so we are sqeezing in all the riding and training in on 4 days off (total) while I am in Pecos.

We went to the museum on Tuesday after having to hang around the house for my train tickets!

Janey Loree

Rising Rainbow said...

Ears are the number one dilema of for horse pictures, I think. The airplane look is flattering, don't ya think? lol

Unknown said...

At least we have an action picture this way!

Midlife Mom said...

Oh how I struggle to get those ears up when I am taking pictures of my guys! I cluck, whistle, rattle grain, you name it!!

Unknown said...

I knew y'all would understand!!!

LA Nickers said...

LOL. Thank God for digital photography! How many mulish ears-back photos have we taken, over the years, of our lovely horses?


Sharon Lynne said...

I just came across a blog you might like.


Are you back at home yet?

Kaila said...

Happy Easter!

Unknown said...

In- nickers and ink...thanks for dropping by! I have hundreds of "mulish ears-back photos" of each horse! LOL!

Cousin CB...I love that blog, thanks for sharing it with us!

I hope that your Easter was wonderful, Kaila!!

Summitt For Circuit City's new "FireDog"!

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