Sunday, October 21, 2007

All's quiet on the West Texas front...

The guys are working 12 hour days right now, and that doesn't leave very much time to work with Blaze and Oakley. When I talked with Travis the other night, he was getting ready to ride Blaze and Tony was riding Belle! Belle was working well with just her halter on. Travis turned the speaker on and stuck his cell phone in the gullet of the saddle while he tightened the cinch and readjusted the bridle.

They didn't go for too long of a ride because the sun was already setting. I could hear Tony in the background calling to the dogs to heal, and Travis was talking softly to Blaze as he coaxed her to do as he bid. Before putting the horses up, Travis worked with Blaze on loading in the trailer. She did pretty good and Tony walked right into the trailer on top of Belle!

I will be getting a couple more Australian vacation posts ready in the next couple of days. I am in the middle of a big project for our website and will post just as soon as I can. The guys are supposed to work the extra hours for about another month. Because of this change in schedule they were not able to gather cattle this weekend. They missed out...

While searching the web for a diagram of a saddle, I found a great site. The Western Saddle Guide, it is chocked full of information on saddles. They even have a blog!

Click Here to Visit BLOG VILLAGE

MnC's Disclaimer: At no time is excessive force, cruelty or brutality used when training the horses pictured in this blog. Reinforcing pats and firm gentleness, along with calmness from the trainers, encourage the horses to do as they are asked.


Sharon Lynne said...

Hi cousin!

Thanks for your visit. Prayers are appreciated :) thanks. Oldest son needs help.

I'm glad your boys seem to be adjusting well. And so busy....

Remind me when the carnival is that I'm entering. I think it was about writing.

Take care. Sounds like you have alot going on right now.

Unknown said...

You are most welcome, Sharon! At the same time you wrote this comment I was telling Gatekeeper in an email that I needed to check up on you! I will stop by your blog to let you know that the blog carnival is on our Twiglet the Little Christmas Tree blog on November 5th. You will need to submit a post by the 2nd.

Anonymous said...

You know that I can't get the picture out of my head of TnT's feet dragging on the ground while riding Belle!! LOL!

Unknown said...

Me neither! I think I have a picture of Tony riding her, I will have to post it!!

Summitt For Circuit City's new "FireDog"!

Blog Carnivals...

Blog Village Quarterly Carnival
Fall Fest
October 29, 2007 England goes GONZO Carnival BLOG VILLAGE Carnival: Recreation